Volunteers meeting in SmartPoint

At the recent volunteer meeting at SmartPoint, we learned a lot of useful information about autism spectrum disorders (ASD) — about how to properly interact, support, and better understand people with special needs. This knowledge will help us not only in volunteer activities, but also in everyday life. In addition, the meeting was a great opportunity to meet new people and communicate with like-minded people. We had a fascinating time, played, discussed important topics, and, of course, had a delicious snack. Thank you to everyone who joined! Such meetings make our community stronger, and the world a little kinder.

[email protected]
+7 747 188 2454

Banking information
Company name: “Central Asian Fund “CP life” Private fund
Address: Mikrorayon 4, 26, Apt./office 60, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bank name: Kaspi Bank JSC
KBe: 18
Account (IBAN):
1. KZ78722S000013839465 (KZT)
2. KZ04722S000013839536 (USD)